Stamford Agriscience Program
Meet the 2023-2024 Officer Team!
Haley Schmalle
Hi! My name is Haley Schmalle and I am the chapter president, and District II President of CT FFA! I am so excited to kick this year off because I know it will be a great one. I participated in the employability skills LDE this spring, and I am so excited to continue this journey by competing this fall at the National FFA Convention. My SAE is being the food science lab manager, and I am a volunteer at Lucky Dog Refuge where I get to meet many great dogs looking for great homes. In my free time I love reading, taking a walk, or going to a coffee shop with friends!
Hailey Riveles
Hey! I’m Hailey Riv, the secretary of the 2024-25 officer team. Right now, my SAE is volunteering at the Stamford Museum and Nature center but I want to include working at a florist or nursery. Besides being an Ag student I also play volleyball and Westhill and Chelsea Piers, ice skate, and love to read in my free time. I also have two goldendoodles, one named Boomer and the other named Slider. I’m so excited to be a part of the team this year and can not wait to see what everyone accomplishes this year!
Freya Evans
Hello! My name is Freya Evans, I am a junior and I am one of the two reporters for the 2024-25 school year. I have always been passionate about everything to do with animals, so when I first heard about the agriscience program, I knew I needed to join. I love going down to the small animal and aqua labs and spending time with the animals. At home, I have goats, chickens, cats, a dog, fish, axolotls, and many gerbils. My SAE is a botanical jewelry and fiber arts business where I make resin jewelry from native plants I grow in my garden and crochet plushes made from sustainable materials. I enjoy taking part in the SoundWaters Research Intensive program and hope to study marine biology at college and ultimately pursue a career in the field. I am really looking forward to serving as an officer this year and getting more involved with the FFA.
Annemarie McDonald
Hi everyone! My name is Annemarie McDonald, and I’m so excited to be serving as one of the Reporters for this school year! So far my Ag interests have varied as my SAE has been Ag Volunteer; But I particularly enjoy floral design and anything to do with animal behaviors/ vet science. This spring (2024) I competed in an Extemporaneous Public Speaking LDE as well (totally recommend!). Aside from Ag, I enjoy playing field hockey and lacrosse, spending time with my friends, or listening to music. I can’t wait to get to know everyone better and I’m thrilled to see what this year has to bring!
Angela Russell
Greetings! My name is Angela and I am currently a junior at Westhill. I am thrilled to serve as the Chapter Treasurer for the ‘24-’25 year. My passion for the Natural Sciences is something I have cultivated by joining this program, and I have also developed a love for cooking and teamwork. I started a pressed flower entrepreneurship where I create bookmarks using dried flowers, which is something I never imagined doing! The teachers and members here are what make this program stand out. Outside of Ag, I enjoy playing sports (volleyball & softball), reading, and traveling. I am excited to further my involvement and learning, along with spending more time with the supportive, intelligent, and kindhearted people here! It’s going to be a great year!

Sara Caldarone
Hi everyone! My name is Sara Caldarone and I am the 2024-2025 Sentinel! This year for my SAE I am a Doggie Daycare lab manager, and I started a career research project relating to animal science! In my free time, I love to travel, spend time with family and friends, and cook/bake. I am so excited to be a part of this year's team!

Kyle Rogers
Howdy! I’m Kyle and I am the Parliamentarian for the 2024-2025 officer team. My SAE for this year is researching and trying a new method of growing Venus flytraps and submitting it to the Agriscience Fair . Apart from being in the Ag program, I do theater and taekwondo. I also have a pet guinea pig named Luz and a beagle named Bella. Can’t wait to see y’all around!
Charlotte Lupinacci
Hi, I'm Charlotte Lupinacci, one of this year's Historians. I am very interested in natural resources and plant science. For my SAE this year I am working on two. With Annemarie we are doing a business together selling and making pet toys and on my own I am doing a research project on growing milkweed and then its connections to Monarch Butterfly conservation. This year a group of my classmates and I are hoping to compete in a Forestry CDE with Mr. Magnano. Outside of being in the ag building you can see me on the stage doing theater or on the field playing lacrosse. In my spare time I like to bake and hangout with my friends.
Olivia Cieciwa
Hi everyone, my name is Olivia Cieciwa! I am a senior and one of your Historians for the 2024-2025 school year. For my SAE, I own a business called O’s Goodies where I make natural products, mainly candles, from plants grown from my home. Outside of Ag, I swim competitively for Zeus Swim Team at Velo-CT, where I’ve been up and down most of the East Coast for competitions. At home, I love to sit outside with my dogs, Peaches and Gigi, while watching my chickens roam in the backyard. In my free time, I’m usually hiking, working out, singing, or working on a new crazy art project. I am honored to be part of the officer team this year and cannot wait to work with you all!

Junior Student Advisor:
Azael Rojas Calvillo
Howdy! My name is Azael Rojas Calvillo and I’m this year’s Junior Student Advisor. I am VERY interested in plant systems, animal systems, and aquaculture. For my SAE I sell house and aquatic plants, breed crested geckos, and make my own sourdough starter using wild yeast. Besides Ag, I am a band kid, a percussionist, a violist, a dancer, and a diver. I am a big K-pop fan, let me know if you are one too ;). At home, I have my geckos, a dog, and a rabbit, but used to have two cats and two hamsters. I love traveling through the nation, I’ve been to South Carolina, Florida, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Also, I can speak two languages, Spanish and English. Lastly, I hope for a great year and to make new friends.
Class Representative:
Sarah Gilbert
Hey! My name is Sarah Gilbert and I will be serving as one of your 2024-2025 class representatives. So far, I have been mainly interested in the animal science field. One of my SAE’s for the coming year is going to be a foundational that is geared towards vet science, so I will be interning at local vets offices and shadowing them. My other SAE will be a business drying fruits with my friend Katie Puk (your other class rep). Outside of school, you can find me playing the piano, hanging out with friends, and cooking. I also love seeing my 7 pets in my spare time. I am so excited to be a part of the officer team this year and am so excited to meet everyone!
Class Representative:
Kaitlin Puk
Hi! My name is Katie Puk and I am one of the class representatives for the 2024-2025 school year. For my SAE I am starting a dried fruit business with my friend Sarah Gilbert. My mom is also a florist and I love working with her and making flower arrangements. In my free time, you'll find me playing ice hockey and lacrosse. I also love to bake/cook and hang out with my dog Rosie. I am so excited for this upcoming school year. Can’t wait to wait to meet all of you!
